Friday 30 September 2011

Am I going Mad.....I dont know how to make a sandwich

Every thing hurt today, in fact I felt that I had been run over by some thing very heavy, even the tips of my fingers hurt. My head felt hazy, my thoughts seem to be shrouded in cotton wool. All I wanted to do was go back to bed,but I never liked letting down the nursing home where I worked.

I had to get a move on,so I got out the things to make a sandwich for my lunch.

Standing there looking down at the bread,butter, cheese and pickle which I had got out only 2 minutes ago, I couldn't remember what I was doing or even what the things were for.
My husband came into the kitchen and said making a sandwich for lunch? I replied "I don't know", he looked at me quizzically are you ok ?, muttering "I said what am I doing" he just laughed, good one he replied and walked off.
We were always having weird jokes so he thought no more of it.

All the things were just left there on the kitchen top and I hurried to work.

We always had a nurses hand over in the office where we were given information from the previous shift and our patients for the day and what we needed to do, it wasn't till about 10 minutes after that I realized I couldn't remember a word of what was said.
In fact the whole place looked well strange to me, as tho I didn't know where anything was.
Suddenly a pain shot thru my head like no other pain I had ever felt, everything turned black apart from what can only be described as rainbow prism ribbons of light.
I could here voices but didn't understand what the were saying, I had never been so frightened in all my life.

Quickly rushed to the Dr's, I then was sent to the hospital and had a raft of tests done, they even thought I might have a brain tumor.

After every test was exhausted,i saw another Dr who recognised the signs it was Myalgic Encephalopathy M.E. for short.

Within 3 months I was confined to bed, I couldn't get up, go to toilet on my own,wash, talk or hear properly,
I couldn't read, I couldn't understand anything couldn't bear any noise or bright light

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